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Book Reviews.

Stay up-to-date with the latest developments in Christian political science with our ever-growing collection of book reviews!

Job Boards.

Looking for work? With a CPS membership you gain access to our members-only job board, regularly updated with openings in the field.


Gain access to our growing catalog of syllabi, designed by and made for Christian educators looking to teach political science in a manner consistent with the faith.

Membership Options.

CPS Membership
Every year

Member-Exclusive Content: Stay up-to-date with the latest developments in Christian political science with our collection of book reviews! Looking for work? With your CPS membership you will gain access to our job board, designed with Christian political scientists in mind. Gain access to our growing catalog of syllabi made for Christian educators looking to teach political science in a manner consistent with the faith.

CPS Membership (Graduate Student)

Member-Exclusive Content: Stay up-to-date with the latest developments in Christian political science with our collection of book reviews! Looking for work? With your CPS membership you will gain access to our job board, designed with Christian political scientists in mind. Gain access to our growing catalog of syllabi made for Christian educators looking to teach political science in a manner consistent with the faith.